First, watch this chilling video of Hunza Valley’s most famous Shaman – Bitan Mashroof. Once you watch this video, you will realize how exotic this concept of Shamanism is. Shamanism is the practice of interacting with the spirits. In Hunza legends, it is believed that Shamans, known as ‘Bitan’ in the local Burushaski language have powers to talk to the fairies and spirits.

For thousands of years, these Shamans have worked for the people as healers and fortune tellers. Because of the modernization of the valley, shamans like Bitan Mashroof are very rare. He is in fact one of the original Shamans who practices his profession. He is also kind enough to practice this thousand of years old tradition of our guests on our tours.

Keep reading to find out more about who a Shaman is and how he practices his profession.

Who is a Shaman?

One cannot become a Shaman through meditation or any other practice. It is believed to be an accidental phenomenon whereby the fairies choose a human being to be a Shaman.

When the fairies descend upon the individual he/she becomes oblivious to the physical world and remains in contact with the fairies. The relationship of a Shaman with fairies is a complicated one.

Sometimes they breastfeed him but this activity is a virtual one where he/she is breastfed while the Shaman is asleep this bond combines till the Shaman’s death when the fairies remain custodians for the safety and protection of the Shaman.

Therefore, the Shaman always calls the fairies as mothers or mamas since the only official language of fairies is Shina, and the communication between the fairies and the Shaman takes place only in Shina. Since it is believed that the fairies hold the power to foresee the future, the real strength or feature of the Shaman is to communicate those prophesies given to him by fairies to ordinary people.

Hunza Shamans

In Hunza, the common people usually seek the help of the Shaman for recovery from any illness, any bad spell of magic or just to know the future. Although it happens seldom now, it was a routine practice in the olden days. Imagine it like simply going to a doctor. The Hunza Shamans were the Hunza doctors.

Hunza Shaman Practice

How does a shaman in Hunza practice his tradition? Well, it requires a whole process of getting the Shaman into the condition of a trans, juniper is considered to be the cleanest and dearest to the fairies and even dwelling place of fairies on the highest peaks of mountains.

Therefore as part of initiating this intricate process, juniper branches are set to fire in order to cleanse the environment before inviting

A Shamanistic Experience with Hunza Trek and Tours

We at Hunza Trek and Tours look forward to helping you experience the practice of Hunza Shamanism firsthand. Our affordable and convenient tours are planned very carefully to help you have a great experience in Hunza Valley. Visit Hunza Valley with Hunza Trek and Tours. For more info, contact us.